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Thanks for stopping by . . . .

Thursday, February 12, 2009

you can move on over to my new blog here -----> www.AquarianThoughts.blogspot.com


Jaren Goh Design

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

While doing a little blog-hopping at Oh Joy! over the weekend, I came across this photo and immediately feel in love with this piece of functional art work by Jaren Goh Design.


Image via JarenGoh.com

Love the play on color and space and I can actually imagine having something like this in my own place. With all the other things going on, I just haven't been in the decorating mood . . . but I might have a new art project for the {handy}man . . .

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The Art of Sy Phelan

I have to give a huge shoutout to my friend and photographer Sy Phelan. She is the person responsible for shooting the beautiful photography of my work over at AquarianThoughts. Her photography is impressive but her artwork is exceptional in my opinion! Here are a few of my favorites.


Images via TheArtofSyPhelan.com

You can check her {and more of her work} out here, and don't be shy to contact her if your interested in booking her . . . . .

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Currently Reading . . .

Monday, October 13, 2008


A very in depth look into the miseducation American children are facing in their history classes and the misconceptions that plague American adults as well. Perfect food for thought for those who still see nothing wrong with celebrating Columbus Day . . .

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Throwback Thursday: INOJ

Thursday, October 9, 2008


It Must Be My Casual Work Situation . . .

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

. . .That's got me obsessed with t-shirts and track pants. Whatever the reason, I have a few new favorite pics from Local Celebrity. They really have to be one of the funniest t-shirt companies to have ever hit shelves. Their goods are available through their website or check out your local Urban Outfitters.


PS. I have the "None-of-the-Above" Tee that I can't to wear . . .

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Me Thinks, Therefore I Am . . .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Me thinks that I want a new blog, therefore I am going to start working on one as I juggle the 20 other projects I have lined up ;)


Angry Little Girls . . .


I found this bag while searching for "the perfect leather boot" in Philadelphia over the weekend. Love her brutally honest sense of humor. Some of her slogans fit my sentiments exactly . . . Check out her site here to view her goodies and weekly comics!

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My Little Bag of Tricks . . .

Friday, October 3, 2008

For treating my man on his special day . . .


As antiquated as it may seem to think so, men, in general, are much more simple than women when it comes to their birthdays. So to help my special guy celebrate his {on our dwindling budget} we're going to sneak away after Saturday's show and spend a quiet night alone. Here are a few items I've got stashed in my overnight bag . . .

1. Elle McPherson Intimates make great alternatives to your {okay, my} usual mismatched variety that I wear on a daily. Not only will the make for an interesting entrance into your boudoir, they're also great to have whenever you feel like wearing something special.

2. I've spoken about my uses for tea tree oil before but I didn't mention how soothing it is when used for massages. The smell is intoxicating and in my opinion can be considered an aphrodisiac. The bonus . . . it's good for the skin as well.

3. Sexy heels, enough said!

4.What can I say . . . the man loves his chocolates just like his woman . . . dark and sweet ;)

5. Lastly, a little mood music to set the vibe. My favorite picks, Rapheal Saadiq's latest release, The Way I See It, and Raheem Davaughn's, Love Behind the Melody. {Have you heard You Make It Better?? It's a whole 7 minutes of Raheem's best crooning!}.

Hopefully my little recipe for a {completely childless} intimate night will start the year off right for my most deserving husband-to-be {nope, still no date set}. Happy Birthday, Love!

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Throwback Thursday: KP & Envi

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shorty Swing My Way!!!


Random Thoughts . . .

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

For Sanity Sake . . .

-Can't wait to use the bathroom and sit on a dry toilet seat {males are soooo funky}
-Can't wait to wake up and the only office I head to is my own
-Can't wait to have 24 hours of just me and the man {and talk like real grown-ups}
-Can't wait to fill my gas tank up with something other than, well gas
-Can't wait to meet a girlfriend for brunch, coffee, drinks, shopping, ANYTHING {note to self: Must get out more}
-Can't wait to finish a book from beginning to end in one night {how I miss leisure time}
-Can't wait to get to the point where I'm not looking forward to anything, just appreciating the moment that I'm living in . . .


Feeling Inspiration . . .

Friday, September 26, 2008

From these J Crew baubles . . .


Might have to invest in some glass goodies . . .


Such a Unique Way . . .

Of designing with metals by Digby & Iona . . .



Throwback Thursday: Mona Lisa

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh '90s . . . How I miss thee . . .


Boots are Made for Walking . . .

Cause when your a busy gal, sometimes that's what you gotta do. And when your on a tight budget {as I'm sure most of us are} in order to find items that fit your wallet, you have to do the footwork {no pun intended}!!

My idea of the perfect brown riding boot, in a range of prices . . .


Trace Magazine Represents!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

After weeks {months, years, decades . . .} of hearing about the unfair and lack of representation of heavily melinated sistas in media, a girl can definitely appreciate the shout out!! Check out the free online peak of this issue in its entirety here . . .



Inspiration Through Mother Nature . . .

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm loving the use of peacock feathers to create great designs . . .


Top Row: Peacock Clutch by Red Ruby Rose, Peacock Tail Journal @ Cafe Press

Bottom Row: Peacock Bangle @ Urban Outfitters, Peacock Feather Art by Sunraven0

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Clam Magazine

Here are some very cool fashion images I found over at Clam Magazine's website. I have yet to get my hands on a hard copy of the Parisian publication, but the site is full of great magazine cover images that have got me jonesin' for some new reading material . . .


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Aquarian Thoughts Upcoming Events . . .

Monday, September 22, 2008


I've got some things in the making. Maybe I'll be coming to a city near you . . .

East Falls Arts by the River Festival
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fall Festival in Haddonfield
Saturday, October 18, 2008
(rain date: Sun 10/19)
Haddonfield, NJ

Made For You Independent Upscale Designer Showcase
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Two River Theatre
Red Bank, NJ

Private Holiday Trunk Show
TBA {Really Soon!!}


Some Low Cost T-shirts . . .

Waiting for me in my shopping cart . . .
All available at Forever21 . . .


Gorgeous New Goods . . .

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Check them out now . . .



Solange Knowles . . .

Friday, August 15, 2008



Really Miss . . . .

Thursday, May 15, 2008

. . . having the time to doodle . . .


I had a bit of a rocky start, ran late, and missed half of the opening act, The Roots, which almost led me to cry. . . But we got there just as they began performing “You Got Me” {one of me and the man’s favorite songs}, and that made up for the rest of the night . . .

As for Ms. Badu, . . . . Erykah sure puts on a show! She’s been looking great as of late, and one of my fantasies is to see her in a piece of my jewelry . . . .


Party Time!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How souped up am I?? In less than 24 hours I will be sitting quite close to the stage breaking my neck like a bobble doll to the sounds of 2 of my favorite acts . . . Erykah Badu and The Roots!!

Thank you, Love {the hubbie}, for a very special Mother's Day . . .

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Calico . . .

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Always has such pretty vintage finds . . .


Midnight Melodic . . .

This song somehow forever expresses my mood . . .

Find out more about Terranova here . . .


Is it the Taurus Rising?

Or mars in Libra that makes me love the finer things?? I feel so materialistic sometimes. But I can't help liking pretty things like these items from Graham & Green that just so happen to match my decor . . .

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Mark Davis

Monday, April 28, 2008

Absolutely gorgeous bracelets by Mark Davis . . .

So much color inspiration I had to show them all . . .

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Simple Ways a Girl Can Go Green . . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

With One Plastic Bag . . .

*Use as a garbage can liner
*Pick up doggy poop
*Carry more groceries
*Wrap them around your shoes to protect them when gardening or outdoors
*Split the bottom and use as a paint smock for the little ones

OR. . . . *Get creative like these folks and make some plastic fabric!!


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