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Can't Stop Listening To. . .

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This beautiful man, er. . . album that is. . . .


Wo Hooo!!

The end is here. Today is my last day at my very dead end job and I am now officially in the world of freelance on a fulltime basis {which is actually quite scary but exciting at the same time}. Hopefully this change will grant me time for better posts and an opportunity to kick Aquarian Thoughts into high gear!! Wish me LUCK!

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Inspiration Through Color. . . .

Monday, July 30, 2007

While flipping through my notebook I came across the spread on Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti's {is that name long enough??}, creator of Vivre, closet design {also from Domino Mag}. What caught my attention the most was her jewelry collection which happened to be large enough to be stored in three dresser draws! The colors are so inspirational and make me want to get to work on some new pieces {like right now!}.

And you've got to love the sneak-peek at her shoe and clutch collection!

How luxurious is this??

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To the Bedroom

Here is the inspiration room for the bedroom {torn from Domino Magazine}. The hubby and I agreed to have yellow on the walls and I immediatley ran to my notebook to find yellow rooms to inspire us. There is so much that I like about this room, but I have not been able to find a color I truly love to match this soft colored wall. And we all know I have issues with wall colors.

Here are some colors that I found at Home Depot yesterday. None of them seem to do it for me, but I carried the tear sheet with me and these do come closest. Expedition Khaki seems to be a near match, but I'm not sure about having such beige walls.

What do you think??

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Tagged. . . Oh Do I Feel Special!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kind of like when you’re the new girl at school and you finally get invited to jump rope {as long as you can turn – remember that??} Anywho, here I go. . . .

1. I study astrology. And by astrology I don’t mean the horoscope kind. I know about all the signs, houses, natal charts, aspects, transitions, rising sign significance and other confusing terms that mean nothing to people who don’t even know that astrology is a real science! Hence the name of my blog, company, and collections.

2. I used to be really shy. So much so that I wouldn’t even leave anonymous comments on people’s sites.

3. I used to hoard my favorite designs. I would make {hundred’s} of pieces and keep them all to myself and justify it by saying that no one wants to buy them anyway.

4. I love watching Noggin with my son and strangely know and love all the theme songs to the shows like Franklin, Jack’s Big Music Show {love the Schwartzman Quartet}, etc. . . . .

5. My favorite food is Ethiopian. So much so I considered {still considering, no date set, see #6} having my reception at my FAVORITE restaurant in the world Makeda's.

6. I am extremely indecisive and I need at least 5 opinions before I make up my mind even though I usually go with my original plans anyway.

7. I love soliciting advice. Sometimes I wonder if I should be a therapists or counselor. Other times I wonder if I’m annoying.

8. I really like to dance. I am one of those friends that you go out with and never see them till it’s time for a bathroom break or to go home. I even dance by myself at home. It’s funny to see that my son is taking after his mother {he does a killer robot}.

Thanx for including me Perfect Bound!

So, your tagged. . . .

Laidback Chick
Naturally Sophia
Urban Vegan
Stylish Thought
Nina @ Neosewmama


Don't You Love a Good Deal?

I know I do. Yesterday while at the mall {hoping to find something to match my new blue suede shoes} I came across this beautiful dinnerware set at Macy's {on the left}. Even though the set was on sale, it was a bit too much for such a trendy design I may not love in a year's time. Needless to say I was very excited when I ran into Target's and found this set {on the right} for only $46! I'm so into the black and white thing right now, this might be a perfect fit for my place. . . . .


Aquarian Thoughts . . .

Friday, July 27, 2007

Here it is Ladies {and Gents?} the first sneak-peek at the Leo Collection {and one from the Signature Collection, earrings lower right}. I have to thank the very lovely Cherokee for modeling and cousin Qazi (who also does beautiful artwork) for taking the pics. I am still cranking out the website which will soon be up and running {although I'm happy to take any pre-orders ;)} so please stay tuned. Please leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

Oh, a little note for you style jackers:
All images {and designs} are property of Aquarian Thoughts.
All rights reserved. © 2007 Aquarian Thoughts.

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We're still growing, growing, growing!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Photo day is finally here so things are busy, busy, busy! I'll be back soon to share the goodnis!

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Kimberley Cristen

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lovely, lovely handbags handmade by Kimberly Cristen. How perfect for weddings, special occasions, or days when you just want to feel pretty.I love all the special details like the ribbon and pins. It's too difficult to decide which is my favorite but I'm leaning towards the top two . . . . . .


Beyond Beautiful . . .

Intricately detailed watercolors by Deanne Cheuck . . .

Found via Worship Worthy


Two of My Favorite Things . . . .

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wrapped up into one - Fashion and Art. Lovely handpainted bags by Temporary Love. . . .

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Okay . . . .

Sunday, July 22, 2007

So after 3 failed attempts to find the right color for our living area, I finally found one that I can live with {although it wasn't my final choice. The man refused to indulge in my “I can’t live with this color” tantrum and kindly threatened. . . er, instructed me to start painting immediately}. So, here it is -Behr’s Bleached Denim.

Oh, and here is a pic of the new Ikea floors being laid down {Ignore the mean, but handy man}. They aren’t the best laminate floors in the market obviously, but for the price we paid (88¢/sq.ft.) I would definitely say that I’m happy with the results.

We are shooting for an August 1st finish date on this renovation so I will keep my fingers cross {and my indecisiveness in check} so wish us luck!!

Note: Depending what your screen settings are, the color looks a little gray, but I can ensure you that is is not, although I like gray . . . . .


Behold. . . .

Saturday, July 21, 2007

No longer am I deprived of blue shoes. . . . . .
Snagged at a whooping 60% off!!
PS. {As requested} I'll share the secret . . . the shoes are available at ALDO. . . .

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Marcello Toshi

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sigh . . . Marcello Toshi's pretty slippers make me short of breath. . . . . . . .


Look What I Did!

Being a child of the {urban} eighties, my idea of art has always been heavily influenced by hip-hop culture. Memories of my brother sketching out graffiti on canvas while bobbing his head to L.L. {of all people} always come to mind. Needless to say I was so souped {remember that term, well I still use it} when I stumbled upon Wetpaint Please Touch. This site, created by a group of people who "power websites that tap the power of collaborative thinking" allows the inner artists in all of us to emerge. Through a various tools - spray paint, paint brushes, and "posters" added from your own computer", you can finally experience the art of graffiti first hand. Check mine out here to add to it or create your own.

Found via Lost At E Minor

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The Urban Vegan

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

As I previously mentioned, I am a vegetarian, although I followed a vegan diet for years before my son was born. Lately, I have been attempting to get back to my vegan roots while still satisfying my three year olds budding (and picky) appetite. Luckily, while searching for eateries in Philly, I came across the Urban Vegan, a blog created by a Philadelphian vegan whose pretty nifty in the kitchen. Just perusing her site inspires me to get cooking {literally}. The blog is chock full of easy to follow recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. . . . and even dessert. Check out these photos from the recent “Vegan Gone Wild Contest” where readers send in photos and recipes of their best vegan desserts. Yummy!
Images via Urban Vegan

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Friday, July 13, 2007

While blog lurking at one of my new fav spots Bella Naija, I found more of my favorite thing. . . . . African prints!! This time the designs are created by Ifenkili, "a contemporary African clothing line based in the UK". Ifenkili offers some very cute tops and of course SHOES!! Unfortunately, I don't see where the items are available for purchase, so the eye-candy will have to do for now. . . .

Image Source: Bella Naija

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Pseudo-board . . . .

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Okay. . . .
So I tried the orange. . .
And I tried the blue. . .
And they both looked terrible {although, the man liked both}. . .

So I have officially {that is until I change my mind again} decided on a silvery blue color, inspired by Joy’s bedroom. SO, here is the pseudo-board for the living room. . . . .

A. Since I’m looking for a more sophisticated look, I’m leaning towards neutral accents to balance out my love of saturated walls. Love the colors and texture in this multi-colored pillow.
B. Love chrome and crystal together. Especially against a nice blue wall.
C. I was lucky to get dark wood furniture from my mother, but I like this round coffee table from Target.
D. Can’t beat silk{like} chocolate brown curtains
E. I have tons of eggshell throw pillows. They will look good against the orangey-brown slipcover {see H}.
F. I will be throwing around lots of chrome accessories for a little sparkle and reflection.
G. I snagged a huge glass vase to add bright greenery to the space.
H. I have a couch and loveseat that will be updated with a nice stretch orangey-brown slipcover from Surefits.
I. More chrome! Love this vase.
J. Here is the color! A silvery periwinkle blue that has enough color to suit my taste.
H. I know this has been very overdone, but I have a thing for animal prints. A little faux zebra for the floor will add a little punch {from Pier1}.

So what do you think?

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Slowly Growing. . . .

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

There are a few things going on behind the scenes at Aquarian Thoughts as we prepare for our first {real} photo shoot!! Yeah!! I found a photographer! So I must keep my eye on the prize, stay focused, and get off of the computer. . . . . .

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Thinking. . . Pink!

Shirt: by Jared Gold; Shoes: Charles by Charles David; Bag: Isabella Fiore

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Wedding Goodnis!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I thought I would post a picture of the wedding invites I made for my mother's special day since I got so many compliments on them. They were very basic {and I like to think classic} invitations sealed with a gold metallic wax. Her guests {reportedly} said they never received something so fancy in the mail! Thanks for all the compliments! I'm really looking forward to celebrating this day with my mother and our family!

Please ignore the bad photography. . . . .

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And a Little More Art. . . .

By Australian artist Del Kathryn Barton. . . . .

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A Little Art. . . .

To start the day. . .

I'm really into black and white right now and these Alex Spremberg prints originally created from enamel on wood. . . . .

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As promisied, a few pics of Philly. . .

Monday, July 9, 2007

Philly is known for it's art and it definitely takes the cake when it comes to wall murals. Apparently. there is a city-wide project that embraces this unique component and promotes artists who add to the cities beauty.

Above is a photo of my fiance {in all his glory, donning a shirt that made quite the conversation piece} in Philly's Magic Garden. The garden boasts thousands and thousands of pieces of tiles, hundreds of bottles and wheels donated from near and far. The creator of the garden, Isaiah Zagar has been building and adding on to the garden for years (30+) and has no intentions of quitting any time soon. . . . . .

And alas, a pic of me in the garden and the two of us at Azure, another delicious vegetarian-friendly restaurant. . . . .

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Oh. . . . . .

Why is the weekend so short?

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. The hubby and I had a beautiful time discovering the streets of downtown Philly and were smart enough to sneak in a day down the Jersey shore. Philly is a great place to visit. There were so many vegetarian and vegan restaurants just a few blocks from the hotel we stayed at and many shops and boutiques to peruse. My favorite finds were shoe stores of course!! Oddly (or maybe not so, since I love to eat) the most memorable thing I found in Philly was Maoz Vegetarian Restaurant! They put my falafel to shame. I’ll post a few pics of me and the man later. . .

Image via Philadelphia Weekly

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Oyin Handmade

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I found Oyin Handmade while killing a little time and really liked the picture for the "store front". I was even happier to find that the site caters to natural hair and body care with really delicious sounding products such as Juices & Berries, a nourishing herbal leave-in for the hair, and Fuzzy Milk Bath bath powders which comes served in a ice cream box. Yummy!

Has anyone ever used any of their products? I would love to share a product review!

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Hello everyone!!

Enjoy your day off and a pic of yet another colorful inspiration room I found on Stylecourt. It's a little red {okay, orange} white and blue that I could definitely go for!

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Cursive Design

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's nice to see people creating everyday objects out of unique materials. I really like these pieces made out of lace and metal by Sarah Fox, the owner of Cursive Designs. And the prices are pretty good too.

You can view more of her work here on Flickr.

Found via Bluelines


More Home Design. . . .

Sunday, July 1, 2007

I saw the spread on Sheila Bridges' home in Domino Magazine a few months back and the image has stayed with me as some design and color inspiration for my place. What I found most striking was the unique wallpaper pattern Sheila created. The paper, Harlem Toile De Jouy, dons illustrations of African-American Harlem{ittes} doing stereotypical things "that have historically been and continue to be associated with African Americans".

Note the couple dancing in the park and the little girls playing double dutch. There is also a scene of boys playing a little b-ball and a sistah getting her hair braided outside.

Unfortunately, the cost of the paper is {as most things} out of my budget, but the images are inspiring nonetheless. . . . . . . . .

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Housewares. . . . . .

I could really use these hand crafted bowls and mugs from Shoshona Snow Ceramics. They match the blue and orange theme that seems to be growing throughout my place. Check out more designs at her etsy store.


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