Saturday, December 8, 2007
To all {13??} giveaway entrees. The lucky winners are . . .
1st Place - Sarah Jane
2nd Place - Nina
It was so fun and it means a lot to me that people are intersted in my jewelry.
I will be holding another giveaway in February to celebrate my birthday. I hope everyone enters again!!
PS. The answer is: Astrology, of course. For a little more insight into my favorite subject, check out for quick calculations . . . .
Labels: Aquarian Thoughts
Monday, December 3, 2007
Time to spread the love. Two lucky ladies {or gents??} are about to win a little something just in time for the holidays. Here's what's up for grabs . . .
1st Place winner will recieve these lovely Aquamarine Hoops
2nd Place Winner will recieve these pretty Crystal Clarity Drop Earrings
To win all you need to do is . . .
1} Take a lucky guess and answer the following question:
What is my favorite subject? Here's a hint: Science . . .
2} Email your answer , your name, and your email address to
All names with the correct answer will be thrown together and two winners will be randomly selected {I promise not to peek}. Contest ends this Friday, December 7th.
Good Luck and thanx for participating!
Labels: Aquarian Thoughts
I'm dreaming of having a party celebrating the completion of my decorating adventures. In the meanwhile I'll enjoy some more inspirational pics {from Domino} . . .

Labels: Color Wheel, Interiors